
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents
Post time

Everybody had some modifications, most had many.
Karsten 24:16
Troy 17:54
Ed 22:40
Madison 18:16


Deadlift and Mr.Joshua

"Mr. Joshua"

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

Post time

Greg (185DL) 30:23

Deadlift 7x1

Karsten 155-165-175-180-185-190-200-205
Troy 135-145-155-165-185-195-200-215
Darrell 155-175-185-195-200-205-210
Candi 72-82-92-97-102-107-112
Ed 155-205-225-275-295-305-310F
Madison 72-82-92-97

Everybody did a great job of Pushing themselves today. Sorry that there will be no class Friday morning, family stuff. Hopefully I can get up there sometime Friday, otherwise we will see you guys Monday.

"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day." Winston Churchill




Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Ed(Push-up/Green Band) 35/11-19/6-13/4-12/4-8/3 87/29
Madison(ModPush-up/JPull-ups) 14/14-7/7-8/8-10/10-10/10 49/49
Linda(ModPush-up/Black band) 15/8-12/6-10/5-6/5-6/5 49/29
Candi(ModPush-up/Black band) 15/10-10/8-8/7-8/6-8/6 49/37

"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself."

Aldous Huxley


"Jumping Michael"

Three rounds for time of:
50 Jump rope, double unders
50 Hip Extensions
50 GHD Sit-ups

Karsten (35, 3x Singles) 9:55
Troy(20,3x Singles) 8:34
Greg (3x Singles) 11:54
Ed (20,Singles) 6:54
Madison (20,Singles) 10:04
Linda (20,Singles) 9:28
Candi (20,Singles) 9:34

Today was a good day with new faces. Our box is a little small for that many people jump roping at the same time, but it worked out. Everybody did really well, but they should all be prepared for DU practice in the near future.

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. " Abraham Lincoln


Med Ball Clean and Row

Med Ball Clean Practice for 15 Min then Row 1K

Troy 5:36.7
Candi 5:27.0
Linda 6:07.4


What I know

What I know

I read many websites everyday looking to expand my base of information both for physical training and for life in general. Today I read one of the later wrote about speaking on things you now about, and not about what you think you know about. Speculation and discussion are important and great, but as leaders we should focus on what we know when disseminating information. So I have decided to write a synopsis about what I know to be true from research and experience about the physical training of the human body. Now this is not meant to be a compilation of all that is true about physical training, as that would be assuming I knew it all, but rather this is what I know, I know.

Physical training is hard. Whatever your goal, the work to achieving it is hard. Working hard is not the only ingredient to improvement, you can work really hard at doing something completely useless, but it is a vital ingredient. Without it you are just going through motions and not accomplishing much. Going for a walk through your neighborhood is not exercise, unless you are so deconditioned that it is making you huff and puff and sweat it is not exercise. Now everyone has a different physiological and psychological tolerance to intensity and your tolerance can be trained, but if it is not intense your not increasing your work capacity. One way to check this is to ask "When was the last time you made your "exercise" harder?". If the weight or reps are not increasing or if the time it takes you to complete it is not decreasing then you are not working hard enough.

Improved function comes from training movements not muscles. Your exercise should mimic closely the movements you make in life. You get up and down off the ground, you pick things up off the ground, you put things over our head, you carry things around, and you push and pull stuff around. Just about everything you do in your life fits into one or more of those categories, however most of us have been taught that the way to work out is to isolate a single muscle and work that until fatigue then move onto the next muscle. You NEVER isolate a single muscle or muscle group in real life so your training shouldn't either. If you are training for a specific sport or activity then some movements should be done more frequently than others, but the broader your base fitness the higher you'll be able to build your sport specific skill through practice. Most of you though are not professional athlete's and are simply looking to be happy healthy individuals who want to be able to move in and manipulate our environment so you should be looking to broaden your capacities to as many domains as possible.

Form is key for long term development. Proper form lends itself to increased safety, increased force production, and increased function. Because you are training movements and not muscles your anatomy and gravity determine the safest movement patterns, and if movements are learned properly and loads are appropriate then your body will not allow you to perform movements that are going to injure yourself. Accidents will happen and pride and competition will lead you to force ourselves beyond safety, but that is part of why you work with others and preferably with a coach to help shepherd you through those. These natural movements are also the most powerful way to move because they are the most efficient way to move. Your body learns how to interact with and overcome gravity at a very young age, most of you could walk before 18 months of age, and you never stop learning. The shortest distance will always be a straight line, proper form will always follow that efficient path, and more efficient equals getting more done in less time, aka more powerful. So if you are getting more done and you are getting injured less then you will by necessity be more functional, however because you are moving through your full Range of Motion (ROM) you will be stronger in more places than just in the wight room. When objects you need to manipulate are in less than ideal positions you will still know how to handle them because your body has used it's full effective ROM before. Your reliance on those around you will decrease as you are able to complete more of your activities on your own, and you will increase your ability to help others as your own ability and confidence increases.

Gains come while your resting. As stated before you will not get better if your not working hard, but if your working hard you need to rest just as hard. The activity is primarily the stimulus that is necessary to cause your body to change. However, once you have done the work your body needs the opportunity to act upon that stimuli and cause those changes. The main opportunity your body has to do this is when you sleep. Besides the mental clarity and acuity that comes from proper sleep, it is well documented the hormonal activity that takes place when you are getting restful sleep that is necessary for proper cell repair, muscle gain, and fat loss.

Finally your performance is only as good as your fuel. Your mother telling you are what you eat is a bit simplistic, but is true nonetheless. You should be eating food. Food is something was grown in the earth or once ate things grown in the earth. Food is best when it has been run through as few processes as possible. The more food is processed the fewer micro nutrients that will be available. Food that has been mixed with synthetic chemicals to make it last on a store shelf will at least have diminished nutrient content if not be down right hazardous. The smaller the amount of food you can eat and still maintain lean body mass and energy levels the longer you will live and the more disease free you will be. The food you do eat should be a balance between protein, fat and carbohydrates, with most of you carbohydrates being from food with a low glycemic index.



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Post number of pull-ups completed


Troy (Row250,Ring Row,12Min) 7/65/5/6/10
Greg Rx'd 10/10/10/10/8/8/10
Candi (Row250,Black Band,10Min) 6/4/5/4
Linda (Row250,Black Band,10Min 3/2/3/3




Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

Post time

Greg (Rx'd) 11:53
Candi (10#KB,Black Band,250Row) 11:04

Helen was quite brutal this morning. The cold air burning the lungs seemed to make the KB feel heavier, and running in the cold seems to make the legs feel heavier.


You can get there from here.

You can get there from here.

What are your goals? Do you want to get big, lean, or just look good naked? Do you just want to be able to climb your stairs without huffing and puffing, chase your kids around and wear them out, or just remain a physically independent person who can carry their own groceries in from the car and put them away? I have good news, You can get there from here. As human beings we were created to move, and if we are not moving there is something inside us that begs to get up and do something.

You need people around you to keep yourself in check and motivated. There are many moments during the year that we feel very motivated to change our habits; New Year's, early spring to get ready for swimsuit, birthday's, etc.; but the key word is feel. Feeling motivated and actually being motivated are two very separate things. Our feelings are too temporary and change too quickly to live our lives by, this is why we connect with others who are going to encourage and uplift us. It has been stated many times before, but I don't believe it can be overstated that we cannot do this on our own long term. Our desire for change must start internally and it must be our own, or no amount of external motivation will move us. However, excitement for change can and will quickly mold to apathy through the fires of life. Competition and encouraging words combined with caring and purposed coaching will create an environment for growth that is unstoppable no matter the goal.

Don't let catastrophe be your turning point. My personal journey toward health began in 2005, at the weight of 252 lbs. I was turned down for health insurance, spent most every afternoon fighting to stay awake, and doing ten push-ups caused muscle spasms great enough to cause nerve pain down my leg. I had been athletic for most of my young adult life, but had never paid much if any attention to what or how much I ate so I was generally unhealthy even at times that I was losing body fat. If your already there, then take the warning signs and make changes. If you are taking medication because of conditions that are adjustable through diet and exercise, why are you not making the necessary changes? If you don't know if proper diet and exercise can fix your situation, ask, and genetics is no excuse. Hopefully you are not in this situation, you generally feel healthy and are not on any medications. If this is the case, find out how to stay that way knowing that we do not naturally get better without a conscious decision and corresponding action. Naturally we are in a state of decline, our bodies are breaking down unless we are purposefully working to construct them. With the proper environment and attitude we can see steady improvement in health and ability for years to come.

What are your expectations and are they realistic? If you expect to gradually get older and have your aches and pains slowly increase with your age as your capacity to accomplish basic tasks declines, then your expectations are very realistic if you are doing nothing to stop or reverse this process. Why not expect to stay active throughout the whole of your life span, expecting to remain vital and able to work, live, and play with your kids and friends instead of watching from a distance? Why not expect to be able to be an active part of something that changes the world for the better and make an impact on the generation to come? If you are not willing to put aside your comfort, do the work to challenge yourself, and deny yourself some foods that taste good but aren't good for you; those are unreasonable expectations.

Life will not wait until it is convenient for you to reach your goals. You must prioritize your life and cut out what is not important. Get people around you to motivate yourself, set a starting date and make it sooner rather than later, and learn what are reasonable expectations are for your goals. Know that you can get there from here, but you won't get there until you leave here.

Hang Power Snatch / Run

Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Hang Power Snatch, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

Post time

Karsten (3Rds,22#) 9:12
Troy (3Rds,PVC) 11:55
Greg (45#) 14:07
Candi (3Rds,PVC,Row250) 10:42
Linda (3Rds,PVC,Row250) 11:32


HS Practice

Everybody did a couple HS drills for about 15 mins. Karsten, Greg, and Troy all attempted Freestanding HS with me spotting with Karsten and Greg both being successful. Each of them did 4 of varying lengths with Greg having the longest at 30 sec. and nearly holding himself unsupported once. Everyone worked really hard and gained an appreciation for this excellent maneuver.


Burpee Madness

Since Most of the morning has not worked on handstands, and is pressed for time, we substituted Turkish Get-ups For the Inverted Burpees. Everyone limited to 3 Rounds as well.

Five rounds for time of:
25 Inverted Burpees
25 Pull-ups
25 Burpees

Post time

Karsten (10/15/15,20#TGU) 15:35
Troy (10/15/15, 10#TGU) 24:04
Greg (3x15, 20#TGU) 16:53
Candi (2x10, 5#TGU, Blk Band) 15:18

I believe this was a universally despised workout. I personally felt my quality of Burpees and Pull-ups were significantly improved which led to my increased time. Everyone did a great job of fighting through the pain and finishing strong, Kudos to anyone that does all 5 Rounds, especially with prescribed Reps.


Run / Squat

4 Rounds
Run 400M
50 Squats

Karsten (3Rds,35) 9:39
Troy (3Rds,20) 15:17
Greg Rx'd (except squats were too shallow) 13:41
Candi (3Rds,Row250,20) 8:47
Linda (3Rds,Row250,20) 10:39

Everyone did a lot of work overall, and really toughed it out in the cold. I can't stress strong enough that you are doing yourself a disservice if you are not using full Range Of Motion with all exercise. I want you to do it right and quickly, but FORM has to be king. You were given that range of motion for a reason, use it. Don't forget that it is not just for that exercise, but that full ROM, especially with the squat, translates directly to increased performance with nearly every other exercise we do. Our work is long term and while PR's are great, long term development is far more important and benficial to your fitness. Good work everyone and see you Monday.


"I am too old to do that"

Nearly every day as a Physical Therapist assistant I get this response from somebody when I ask them to perform some exercise or when they are telling me about their aches and pains. Somewhere we got the idea that old age equals inability and incapacity, and it has to stop. You are not too old to do anything, you are just out of practice.

Probably the most common movement I get complaints about, maybe because almost everybody does them, is squats. Nearly every patient I see for thier back or legs will do squats, it is the basis for nearly all functional movement and is performed by nearly all of us nearly everyday. Yet almost every time I ask someone over 35 to perform squats for the first time I get "I can't do that, I am too old". Yet with the right coaching all of them are able to perform some level of squat that day, and by the time the 3 or 4 weeks of treating them is done nearly have the capacity to perform a full squat.

Take a look at some 3 year olds around you and watch them play, you will almost invariably see them squatting up and down without thought, hesitation or difficulty. How do we go from that to huffing and puffing just to get our self out of a chair? The answer is that we are sitting in the chair. We get to school age, maybe sooner, and we are forced to sit and be still for hours a day to learn. Then as we get older we are told to sit still because "big people" don't run around like that. Now don't get me wrong there does have to be an understanding that there is a time and place to be still and quiet, but there also has to be at least equal amount of time devoted to getting up and moving. When was the last time you took your kids to the park and played on the equipment with them. How often do we take them out and sit to watch them play? Get up and go move, test yourself, strain yourself. You will breath hard, break a sweat, get tired, and feel great.


Passion and Perserverance

Many of the influential people in my life have been speaking on passion and at first I thought this word might be being overused, but I think we may not use it enough. Passion has several definitions according to Merriam-Webster, but the one that caught my eye is, the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces. Like all external forces acting upon us it is what we do with it that matters.

Passion itself is not a force, but it is the opening up of our hearts and minds to allow ourselves to be moved beyond the comfortable and convenient. Passion allows the knowledge in our heads to move from empty thoughts to words and then actions that cause change. It takes the dreams and desires of our hearts and brings them alive to our consciousness so that we will be motivated to bring them to pass.

We are all acted upon by external forces on a daily basis and asked how we will respond. Will our guiding direction be changed based on our current passion? Will our waning passion for the difficult and good things that we know we should be about give way to a new ideas of mediocrity and complacency?

Passion can also be redirected into things that draw us in wrong directions. If passion is used to bring about laziness it will drive us to under-performing and looking for shortcuts. If used to recruit negativity it will sink us into depression and despondence, that will hinder the action that is necessary to succeed in life. Passion can lead us to frustration and bring about anger towards ourselves and those around us.

The great obstacle for us to overcome regarding passion is its ability to wane if not cultivated, and this is where perseverance does its work. Persevere is defined as; to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement. Perseverance manifests itself as doing what you need to do when you don't want to do it. Desire finds no place in perseverance, it is about the duty and obligation to do what we know is right because it written on the inside of us. This is where the two collide, perseverance and passion combine on the inside of us to move what needs to be done out into action.


Michael et al.

500M Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

Troy 10:16 with Mod Push-ups and Jumping Pull-ups. Today is Troy's first work-out coming off of shoulder surgery.


Greg 22:19 Did 1 set of Back Ext on GHD, then the last 2 sets were supermans.

AMRAP 1 Min with 1 min Rest between. 3 min Rest then 2nd round equal reps each exercise without rest for time.

KB Swing
Wall Ball

Karsten (16Kg/20#/65#) 24/30/21/30, 7:31
Candi (10#/12#/42#/Mod) 30/15/11/12 8:41


20081031 Run / KB / Pull-ups

AMRAP 20 Min
100M Run
1.5 Pood KB Swing x12
10 Pull-ups

Karsten (1 pood) 7 + 6 Pull-ups
Candi (10#,Black Band,12 Min) 4 + 8 Pull-ups