Hip-Back Extensions Run

For time:
21 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
18 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
15 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
12 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
9 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
6 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
3 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters

Karsten 16:51
Beth (15)15:34
Madison (15/250)10:20


Lunge Pull-up Sit-up

Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups

Karsten 17:05
Greg 17:08
Madison (from 15-6 with ringrows) 12:55


Push Jerk 7x1

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Karsten 65/85/105/125/145/155/165F
Beth 45/55/65/75 (3-5 sets each working on form)
Greg 135/155/175/195/225F/205F/205/220PR


Row Push-Press

For time:
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 18 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 12 reps

Beth (22) 15:18
Greg (95) 16:16

Karsten also showed up and worked on his muscle-up.


Row Push-Press

Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 18 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 12 reps

Ed(95) 18:28
Madison(42;1st Round,250/22 remaining)17:24


Shoulders and Running

For time:
50 Ring Dips
Run 400 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 400 meters
50 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters

Beth (20Reps,Row,BarDips,ModHSPU) 11:21


DU Clean Dip DU

45 Double Unders
45 Squat Cleans 135#
45 Ring Dips
45 Double Unders

Troy(25Reps/42#/BarDips/3xSingles) 10:01
Karsten(3xSingles/65#/HalfBar) 11:33
Beth(25Reps/22#/BarDips/3xSingles) 8:36
Madison(25Reps/38#/BarDips/3xSingles) 11:45
Ed(3xSingles/65#/Bar) 14:22
Christy(25Reps/38#/BarDips/3xSingles) 9:51



Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Greg 225/245/265/305/325/345/355
Karsten 210/225/245
Troy 165/195/215
Christy 65/85/95/105/125/135
Jim 135/185/225/275/305/315
Ed 135/185/205/255/305/315
Madison 42/62/72/85/95/105/115/120/125/135/145

Row 500M
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

Beth 8:53(Blue Band/Mod Push-ups)

Great turn-out today, Good to see Greg and Christy back in the action. Today was Beths first day and she demonstrated excellent movement patterns. At one point today we had every plate above 5lbs in use which was great to see, lots of strength built today.



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Karsten 12+5 Pull-ups
Justin(Blue,Mod Push) 7+10 Pull-ups
Ed(Blue) 13+5 Pull-ups
Madison(RingRows,12Min,3,4,7) 11+1 Ring Row


Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Troy SP 55/65/75/95/105
PP 55/65/75/85/95
PJ 55/65/75/85/95

Daryl SP 65/85/95/100/100
PP 65/85/95/105/115
PJ 65/85/105/115/120(3)

Jim SP 95/115/135/145/150F/135
PP 95/115/125/140/155
PJ 95/115/115/125/135


Core Day

Five rounds for time of:
2 pood Kettlebell swings, 25 reps
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Back Extensions
25 Knees to Elbows

Everyone did Abmats and Supermans unless noted.
Karsten(1 Pood) 25:02
Justin(1 Pood,15 Reps) 23:27
Troy(20#,15 Reps) 26:41
Daryl(1 Pood) 24:14
Jim (1.5 Pood, GHDBE) 28:31
Ed (1 Pood) 28:49
Madison(10#,10 Reps) 12:05


Skills Day

Main Site Rest Day

Justin worked on his kip and got his first kipping pull-up.
Karsten worked on Double-Unders and MU transfer.
Madison worked on Pull-ups with band and DeadHangs
Ed did yesterdays Back Squat 5x5 115/135/155/185/205/215


Back Squat 5x5

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Karsten 95/115/135/165/165
Daryl 95/115/135/165/165
Justin 95/95/115/135/135
Jim 185/225/225/245/265

Afterwards Daryl made a few attempts at the Muscle-up and finally succeeded. Hopefully we will have video tomorrow.


30 Muscle-ups for time

30 MU for time

Karsten(120,BandRingDips) 16:52
Daryl(120,BandRingDips) 20:35
Troy(80Grn,Push-up) 14:08
Justin(60Grn,BarDip) 9:59
Jim(120,BandRingDip) 20:20
Ed(80Blu,BarDip) 12:39
Madion(60RingRow,Push-up) 10:51


20090130 Nicole


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Post number of pull-ups completed for each round

Every body rowed 500 instead.
Daryl 10/10/12/12/12 56+449M
Justin(Grn) 16/15/12/12/10 65
Karsten 10/10/7/10/10/5 52
Greg 7/7/7/7/7/8/5 48
Jim 7/9/7/8/6/3 40+395M