
Last Saturday we had our Fight Gone Bad fund raiser and it was a great experience seeing all those people gutting it out leaving the proverbial blood, sweat, and tears on the floor while taking nothing but the pain with them. As the name suggests we all knew we were doing this for either someone who can't fight for themselves, or for someone who has already fought for us, and as usually happens I began reflecting. I know I personally set a personal record for that workout and two days later I am still feeling the effects of it, but why don't I live the rest of my life like this workout.

We tell our kids, especially around the holidays that are quickly approaching, that it is better to give than to receive, but if we really believed that wouldn't we live our life giving to others? If it is really to my benefit to give more than I take, then why would I not come home at the end of every day completely empty handed having given of myself to every person I meet? Am I going to be better off staying right on the bumper of the person in front of me on the highway, or would we all be better served if I arrived at my destination 30 seconds later and let someone merge? What if I chose to not let worry, about things I can't change, take my time and start looking around me for situations I can change?

We are all busy and maybe that is part of the problem, that we load ourselves up with so many activities that we are no longer able to take the time to think about others. Like many of our Crossfit workouts, giving often doesn't feel like it is worth the cost while doing it, but it is in the reflection that we realize we are actually happier, more content and more fulfilled after giving. There are so many people in this community both locally and nationally, that have poured themselves into me and my training that I have no reason to leave the gym without giving more than I take. So my challenge for myself is to make a conscious effort to think less of myself and see how much i can gain by giving everywhere I go.

Lots of Rowing

Row 500M x4
Rest 2 Min in between sets


4 Rounds
Run 400M
50 Squats

Greg (3 Rounds) 12:31
Candi (3 Rounds Row 250,25) 10:39

Today was Greg's first day Crossfitting and he did very well, his Squat is immature, but Full, and needs some coaching on his kipping pull-up, but looks to have a pretty good movement base to build on and with regular exposure should progess well. Candi continued to demonstrate the tenacity that has shown her improvements to this point.


Shoulder Press/ Pull-ups Dips

Shoulder Press 5x5

Karsten 65-75-85-95-100 Fail 2

Karsten's 1 Rep Max 3 weeks ago was 100.

30 Jumping Pull-ups
30 Dips

Candi 6:26
Linda 6:57


Nicole and Similar

5 Rounds
Row 500 Meters
Back Ext x25

Karsten 14:00

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Candi (250M Row, BlkBand Pull-ups, 10 Min)



AMRAP 20 Min
Deadlift x 12
Sit-ups x 21
Row 100M

Karsten (65# SLDL) 6 Rounds
Candi (15 Min 42#DLx8, SUx15)4 Rounds + 15 Sit-ups



4 Rounds
Dips x12
65# Press x8
Row 250M

Karsten 14:42

3 Rounds
50ft Suitcase Carry R 16kg
Squats x15
50ft Suitcase Carry L 16kg
Sit-ups x 15

Candi 8:08
Linda 10:25


Pull-ups, WallBall/KB

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Karsten 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/4/5*/5*/0/8*/8*
*=Blue Band

3 Rounds
WallBall x 12
KB Swing x 12

Candi (12#/10#) 10:20
Linda (12#/10#) 11:34

Today was a tough day for everybody.


20080912, 20080915


Only Karsten showed up today.

AMRAP 20 Min

Med Ball Throw(Wall Ball without Squat) x25 12#
Row 500M

5 Rounds + 334M


6 AM

AMRAP 20 Min
Run 400 M/Row 500 M
Push-ups x 15
Deadlift x 8

Linda (Row 250 M, 42#) 4 Rounds
Candi (Row 250 M, 42#) 5 Rounds
Karsten (45# SLDL) 5 Rounds
Bo (Run, 135#) 5 Rounds

Bo is from Bartlesville and was visiting Karsten. Great Job Linda and Candi making the entire 20 Min, way to fight through ladies.




Shoulder Press 45#

Karsten 8:12

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

Post reps for all three exercises in all rounds.

Push-ups 52/24/22/20/20 = 138
Pull-ups 6/7/5/5/7 = 30
Squats 135# 20/8/10/8/10 = 56

Push-ups(Modified) 22/13/8 = 43
Ring Rows 17/12/9 = 38
Squats Air 22/15/14 = 51

Push-ups(Modified) 13/10/5 = 28
Ring Rows 9/9/6 = 24
Squats Air 15/10/7 = 32


Where is your shame?

Our culture has taken shame and made it an evil thing. We are told that we should not make value judgements about anyone or any action because we all should just do our best and and find value and doing our best. What is our best? Is what I feel I can do the best that I can do, or is it possible that my best is not good enough? What if my best does not accomplish the job that needs to be done? It can mean the difference between feeding my family and paying my bills to saving my life or the lives of others. If I am able to accomplish more than I thought or felt was possible, is that something I should be proud of? If it is shouldn't I be ashamed if I only accomplish my best?

Life doesn't care how you feel, what you are going through, or how you got in the situation your in. Life will continue to hand you difficulties along with the joys and tribulations along with pleasures. Sometimes you will do the best you can and fail and life will not care. It is only when we take the shame of failure and inability, and turn it into motivation to go above and beyond what is possible. Life is never fair, and it is our willingness to seek truth above fairness and realize that what we see, feel, taste, hear, and touch is not as important as the ability to recognize that there are things greater than our abilities around us. It may not be popular, but I believe we should be ashamed of only doing our best.

I personally find my motivation to strive from my God, my wife and children, and those of you I interact with on a daily basis. I want to be better than the best for all who are counting on me to produce in my life, and often I fail because I am tired, hungry, hurting or just don't feel well. I am ashamed of those times and strive to reduce their frequency. I hope all of you are ashamed as well when you let yourself and others down. Let's bring back shame, not to bring others down, but to bring ourselves and those around us up.

And if thinking about your current performance in life you have nothing to be ashamed of, you are consistently shattering the expectations of yourself and the expectations of those around you, Job well done.

3K and Squats/Sit-ups/Boxs

Row 3K

Karsten 14:41.5

5 Rounds
10 Squats
10 Sit-ups
10 Stepups 16"

Candi 11:43


20080905 Lynne

Karsten did Lynne with Blue Band


Candi did Diane with 42# Deadlift and Mod. Pushups



Back in Action

Karsten came back today for his first time since ACL surgery 5 weeks ago. We took some benchmarks to measure, since he is 6-12 weeks away from full blown Crossfit movements and intensity. We will be doing lots of corestability and UE work as well as some straight leg hip ext.

Row 500M 2:11.0
Shld Press 1 RM 100#
Max Pull-ups 10
2 Min Sit-up 39
2 Min Push-up 33
Row 2Km 9:49.7

Not too bad considering he hasn't done much since being injured. I will be looking for not only improved numbers, but improved form with all exercises.

Linda and Candi worked on Back Squats first with PVC and then once they were able to squat to full depth they moved to the 22# bar and then a little weight was added. Candi quickly moved to the bar and worked up to 42# x 5 Reps. Linda had difficulty making full ROM and did some box squat therapy, but was finally able to move to the 22# bar x 5.