You can get there from here.

You can get there from here.

What are your goals? Do you want to get big, lean, or just look good naked? Do you just want to be able to climb your stairs without huffing and puffing, chase your kids around and wear them out, or just remain a physically independent person who can carry their own groceries in from the car and put them away? I have good news, You can get there from here. As human beings we were created to move, and if we are not moving there is something inside us that begs to get up and do something.

You need people around you to keep yourself in check and motivated. There are many moments during the year that we feel very motivated to change our habits; New Year's, early spring to get ready for swimsuit, birthday's, etc.; but the key word is feel. Feeling motivated and actually being motivated are two very separate things. Our feelings are too temporary and change too quickly to live our lives by, this is why we connect with others who are going to encourage and uplift us. It has been stated many times before, but I don't believe it can be overstated that we cannot do this on our own long term. Our desire for change must start internally and it must be our own, or no amount of external motivation will move us. However, excitement for change can and will quickly mold to apathy through the fires of life. Competition and encouraging words combined with caring and purposed coaching will create an environment for growth that is unstoppable no matter the goal.

Don't let catastrophe be your turning point. My personal journey toward health began in 2005, at the weight of 252 lbs. I was turned down for health insurance, spent most every afternoon fighting to stay awake, and doing ten push-ups caused muscle spasms great enough to cause nerve pain down my leg. I had been athletic for most of my young adult life, but had never paid much if any attention to what or how much I ate so I was generally unhealthy even at times that I was losing body fat. If your already there, then take the warning signs and make changes. If you are taking medication because of conditions that are adjustable through diet and exercise, why are you not making the necessary changes? If you don't know if proper diet and exercise can fix your situation, ask, and genetics is no excuse. Hopefully you are not in this situation, you generally feel healthy and are not on any medications. If this is the case, find out how to stay that way knowing that we do not naturally get better without a conscious decision and corresponding action. Naturally we are in a state of decline, our bodies are breaking down unless we are purposefully working to construct them. With the proper environment and attitude we can see steady improvement in health and ability for years to come.

What are your expectations and are they realistic? If you expect to gradually get older and have your aches and pains slowly increase with your age as your capacity to accomplish basic tasks declines, then your expectations are very realistic if you are doing nothing to stop or reverse this process. Why not expect to stay active throughout the whole of your life span, expecting to remain vital and able to work, live, and play with your kids and friends instead of watching from a distance? Why not expect to be able to be an active part of something that changes the world for the better and make an impact on the generation to come? If you are not willing to put aside your comfort, do the work to challenge yourself, and deny yourself some foods that taste good but aren't good for you; those are unreasonable expectations.

Life will not wait until it is convenient for you to reach your goals. You must prioritize your life and cut out what is not important. Get people around you to motivate yourself, set a starting date and make it sooner rather than later, and learn what are reasonable expectations are for your goals. Know that you can get there from here, but you won't get there until you leave here.


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