3 People 3 Workouts

6 AM had 3 people.
Karsten had his first experience with Fran using 42# Bar and Green band Pull-ups for a time of 6:31

Adam did
KB Swings 1 Pood
Wall Ball 20#


David had his first Experience with Crossfit. After the Warm-up he did 2 rounds of Cindy with a Black band in about 10:00. He did a very good job maintaining good form for his first day and I am expecting big improvements if he is consistent.

I didn't like running the class this way, but with the times they showed up and the varying levels of experience it seemed like the only way to run the class.



I completely forgot to post Wed so here its is as well as Fri.

Wed 080625

6 AM only had 1 this morning.

AMRAP 20 Min
10 x OHS20 x Sit-ups

Karsten did 9 Rounds.

Fri 080627

6AM had 1 today

Med Ball Clean 20#Push Jerk 45#

Karsten 16:02

He has completed the initial instructional phase, and next week we will start getting some Benchmarks on him.



6 AM had 2 people

Workout was 3 Rounds
400M Run/500M Row
15 x SDHP (95#)
15 x Thruster (95#)

Karsten 15:44 (Row and 42#)
Angela 20:56 (Row and 22#)

Karsten also did some work on his kipping pull-up during warm-up, he should be kipping by next week.


Front Squat/Pull-ups

Karsten was the only one that showed up today for 6 AM.

Since he had not done front squats yet, I did not want to attmept thrusters so I modified the WOD for him.

AMRAP 20 Min

45# Front Squat x 10
Pull-ups x 10 (With Green Band)

he got 10 Rounds + 10 Squats

Good Work. He is going to quickly become a monster with his consistancy and good effort everytime he comes in.



6:00 am class.Only 3 braved the rain.

10 RDS
15 deadlifts
15 pushups.

Karsten Did 95# and knee push-ups after Round 3 or 4

Jae 37#/Knee Push-ups 15:45
Angela 42#/Knee Push-ups 15:10

Everybody did awesome, they left everything there on the floor.


More Sit-ups and a Bloody nose

6 AM had 4 participants
Dave and Ryan had their first Crossfit workouts at the gym today. They did a modified version of the WOD doin 35 instead of 50 and did 70 singles for DU's.

Ryan 14:10
Dave 14:26

Jae and Angela did 3 Rounds Push Press x15 Box Jump x20. Jae used the PVC for her push press, while Angela started out with 22lb bar, but added 10 lbs after the first round. Both used 16 boxs, with Angela doing mostly jumps, while Jae did all steps.

Jae 10:35
Angela 15:54 (hit her nose on Push Press and it started to bleed a little)

Good work everyone see you Wed.


One Returns

6 AM had 2 people today.

Karsten came back for somemore and did

5 Rounds
45# Push Press x15
20in Box Jump x20


Jae Did her first CrossFit Workout

Row 250m
20 Pull-ups With Black Band
Row 250m
20 Push-ups on Knees
Row 250m
20 Sit-ups
Row 250m
20 Squats


Both did a great job.


First 3 Trainees

6 AM had 3 people.

Karsten did his first Crossfit Workout ever and did 15 min of Cindy using the green band for pull-ups and utilizing knee push-ups after the third round.

Ben and Autumn did the Dead lift WOD with the following numbers.

Ben 135-185-205-235-255
Autumn 65-95-115-120-125

It was their first time doing heavy deadlifts, and they both had excellent form. I expect big things from these future monsters next time.


First Day

Today was my first training class.

No one was in attendance. Today was such a motivating experience. I was there early with a work-out planned and everything I would teach and no-one showed. Not that I should have expected them to, I had done exactly zero marketing and had not one who said they would show up, but I was still hopeful. I have set someone up for Wed by meeting them at 5:30 and promising them they will be out by 6:15, so hopefully that will be the beginning of a chain reaction.