Reasses and Row

It has been 7 weeks since Karsten started back with his UE and core only training after ACL surgery. He was fully released from the doctor yesterday, so we remeasured the baseline that he started with 7 weeks ago.

Row 500M (2:11.0) 1:52.6 :18.4 improvement
Shld Press 1 RM (100#) 115# 15# improvement
Max Pull-ups (10) 19 9 improvement
2 Min Sit-up (39) 50 11 improvement
2 Min Push-up (33) 37 4 improvement
Row 2Km (9:49.7) 8:58.2 :51.5 improvement

Some very marked improvements, especially in the rowing department. Some of the improvement is due to the fact that he can now drive off both legs, but I believe more of the improvement is due to the fact we did quite a significant amount of rowing, especially in place of running in signature workouts. His improvement in Shoulder Press and Push-up numbers were a little disappointing. With the push-ups there was a little mis-communication during the push-up testing and he started to quit early and did not pace himself and he chose not to take very much of a rest after the sit-ups so he should have been able to get 5-8 more. In regards to the Shoulder Press improvement, I was a little disappointed, but looking back we did not do as much high weight work as I originally planned so the more I think about it the happier I am with it. If doing it over I would have done at least 1 more heavy pressing day probably 2, but that will have to be determined with more analysis of what we did. Pull-up and Sit-up improvement were probably most in line with what I was aiming for, with the improvement coming from a combination of focused training and improved form.

Candi 2K 11:31.0

This is the farthest she has rowed in one bout.


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